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Wife and Mom, trying to keep up with work (from home), family, friends & hobbies. Doing better at some things than others... ;)

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

True Confessions

So, the little kung fu man has started tattling.  On himself.  Constantly.  It's driving me crazy....

     "Um, Mom?  I just got crayon on my desk...  I think it was on purpose..."

     "Um, Mom?  I just wiped my nose on my sleeve...  I'm sorry." 

     "Um, Mom?  I think I may have lied 16 days ago about something completely unimportant..."

I've gotten to the point where I just automatically reply, "That's fine" or snap, "I don't care!"

Is this a 5 year old thing? 

What is he trying to accomplish? 

I'm soooo tired of hearing, "Um, Mom.... I just...."

And in other news, we went to the salon (ask for Kim in Lexington!) today and both got haircuts.  Max decided he was ready for a scissors cut and chose a super cute faux hawk style. 

Here he is praying Kim doesn't accidentally cut his ear off...

Kim's a good sport and takes no offense

"Hmmm... two ears, one nose... It looks like it's all intact...."
And now comes the gel....

Thanks Kimmy!  I look pretty cool. :)

Ummm...  On second thought....
 "Hey Mom, What's Dad looking at?"

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Sharing a couple of random pictures, just because....

I recently loaded up Photoshop Elements 9 and am very pleasantly surprised at how much more functional it is than it used to be.  I spent some time today getting the hang of the editing features and designing the new cover for my husband's latest cd and then played around with some old pics of the little man.

Lucky you, I decided to share them here.  ;) 

Here he is in the Teacups this summer at Santa's Village...  

Santa's Village again, at the creche...

And at the Higgins Armory Museum in Worcester, MA...

And one of the museum itself...

I totally love this place.  :)

I'm sure I'll pester you all with more soon.  I'm having fun.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Fall in New England.

LJC walking home from school.

Posted by ShoZu

Toys at school...

The little man has balked at being referred to as Bug (although I call him Bug AAAAAALLLLLL the time IRL) so I asked him what he would prefer.  He tossed a few suggestions like Lax and Wax and Pax out, but then settled on The Little Kung Fu Master Jackie Chan.  Which is a mouthful.  So he will henceforth be known here as TLKFMJC - which is still a mouthful - LKFM, LJC, or most probably, Little Jackie.  ;) 

So, this morning Little Jackie and I were talking over breakfast and he brought up a subject that has come up several times this week.  It went something like this:

LJC:  "Mom, How come everyone at school gets to bring toys but me?" 
Me:  "Huh.  Define 'Everyone'?"
LJC:  "Eeeeeveryone!  Everyone brings toys to school becept me...  Why can't I?  Can I?  When can I bring a toy to school??"

I'm sort of of the mindset that school is for learning and recess is for running.  And there are plenty of toys in the classroom for rainy days.  I've seen them.  I explain this to Little Jackie, who pouts and begs, "Pleeeeeeeease Mom!  Pleeeeeeaaaase can I bring a toy to school?!" 

And, tired of the conversation, I respond with, "I'll think about it."  (PSA to parents...  <---this is a big mistake.)
LJC:  "Do you mean No when you say you'll think about it?"
Me:  "Maybe.  I haven't decided."
LJC:  "Oh.  Ok."

LJC:  "How about now?  Have you decided now?"
Me: "No.  Not yet."
LJC: "Now?"
Me:  "No."
LJC:  "Now?"
Me:  "No."
LJC:  "Now?"
Me:  "Please stop talking..."

Anyway, Fess up... Do you let your kindergartener bring toys from home?  I'm curious to find out if I'm the hardass killjoy he thinks I am. 

Monday, October 25, 2010

Newbie Blogger Here

Considering I just spent the last hour and a half sword fighting with my five year old I should probably have named this blog something to do with Princes, Knights or Armories.

The name actually comes more from Bug's love of music than to his obsession with Matchbox cars (of which we do have a large rubbermade tub full).  When he was tiny I used to sing  him to sleep and he still asks me for his 'favorite Lull-Pie', Godspeed.  It's been done by a few artists, the Dixie Chicks included, but my favorite version is the original by Radney Foster. 

I'm not sure that anyone will actually read this blog, which is fine.. really I just miss journaling and suck at keeping 'memory books'.  Who knows, I may also suck at keeping up with a Blog. 

Tonight I made all of Bug's favorites for dinner.  I'd bribed him with McD's for lunch in exchange for good behavior at Piano this afternoon (he's tired and I'm sick - I'm not proud) and wanted him to eat something GOOD today.  So, crock pot fruit compote, butternut squash with butter and brown sugar and grilled pork chops for dinner.

You would have thought you were watching a Kindergarten version of Survivor where the contestants are forced to eat something stomach turning like worms or cow stomach...  An hour and a half later, he had forced down a reasonable meal (with much commentary) and was released to play until bedtime.  Bedtime.  :)  Five Minutes till Bedtime.

See you all soon....  unless of course I suck at blogging, too.